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Never dispose of old gas before reading this guide!

Make it easy to dispose of old gasoline!

Remember how your fresh groceries go all bad and yucky after days of poor storage? Well, gasoline isn’t any different. Yes! It goes bad. But unlike your groceries, disposing of bad gasoline requires more caution.

Dumping gas on the grass, the street, or down a drainage pipe is grave misconduct. It’s not just bad for the environment; it’s dangerous and can lead to fire incidents. 

 Well, it’s not like you can completely avoid gasoline. It’s at the core of almost all our daily operations! You either own a car, a land mower, or both! Or just a reserved gallon of gasoline sitting pretty in your garage! Learning how to dispose of it after usage is essential properly.

So, are you curious about safe and legal means to rid yourself of messy gasoline? 

Hang in there; I’ve got just what you need to know.

Just consider this article as your one-stop guide! It has all the answers you need; let’s get down to it! 

Step by step guide on how to dispose of old gasoline

When gas gets too old, it loses its luster. Because over time, its efficiency becomes history. It doesn’t just stop being efficient; it becomes dangerous for your car or land mower’s internal engines as well. 

Well, no one wants to be stuck with such for too long, so disposal becomes an urgent necessity. Now, getting rid of gas isn’t wholly smooth-sailing, but with these tips, you’d get it done without much hassle.

5 very basic steps to dispose of old gas properly

Step 1: Determine gasoline’s usability

Before you dispose of your used oil, you need to ascertain its usability. 

Here’s how…

Get two glass jars and a substantial quantity of unused oil. Pour the old oil into one glass jar and pour the unused one into the second glass. If the old oil has a darker shade or a stale smell, then it’s time to dispose of it.

However, sometimes, you don’t have just to let go of your old gas. You may mix it with new gas to boost its efficacy. 

But sometimes, if the gasoline is irretrievably bad, mixing it with new gas wouldn’t restore its quality. So, if the old gas has rusty particles and a sour stench, it means it has depleted completely. Using it can put your fueling system at risk.

Step 2: Find the nearest hazardous waste disposal in your area

Once you’ve confirmed the oil is no longer potent, the next step is finding the closest hazardous waste disposal in your area. These waste disposal centers help maintain a proper decorum for gas disposal. 

However, you need to put a call through to the center before taking your gas there. The reason is some waste centers have a fixed maximum quantity per visit, so you need to find out all necessary details to avoid getting stranded. Also, in less populated areas or cities, disposal centers only open for few hours. See why you need to call ahead?

Just call your city’s waste management agency to find out where to take your bad gas

Now to the important part: how to contact the hazardous waste disposal center in your area. 

Getting across to the waste disposal isn’t a catch 22. Just call your city’s waste management agency to find out where to take your bad gas. You can also search for the closest hazardous waste center online.

Step 3: Transfer the gas to an approved container

You need a funnel and a government-approved container to transport your fuel anywhere.

The government endorses containers like jerry cans or plastic gasoline cans to hold gas. These containers are airtight and suitable enough to ensure safe transport of gas to disposal centers. 

You can get one of such receptacles at gas stations or automotive stores around your area. Now, it’s easy to transfer liquid from one container to another, but with gasoline, there are precautions. 

  • Ensure you have a funnel. This helps limit spillage to the barest minimum
  • Pour the gas slowly and carefully
  • Keep your face away from the fumes to avoid inhaling it
  • Don’t fill the container beyond 95 percent of the container space; leave space for the fumes
  • After successfully transferring the gasoline, seal the container with its lid off the bat
  • Wash your hands thoroughly just in case you spilled or splashed some of it on your hands
  • Set the gas in another receptacle to avoid spillage or leakage if it topples over while driving

Step 4 Carefully clean up any gasoline spills

While transferring gasoline, you may mistakenly soil your jean or shirt with gas. Or maybe your garage floor suffered a massive spill as well; not to worry, you can get it all cleaned up.

Before you launder your stained cloth, first dab the wet spot with white clothing to remove excess gas. Afterwards, cover the gasoline fleck with baking soda and leave it for a while before brushing it off. 

Apply liquid dish wash over the spot and let it sit for 5 minutes. Finally, launder the cloth in the hottest water the fabric can handle.

Ensure you have completely removed the stain before placing it in a dryer. If you expose the cloth to heat while the gasoline stain isn’t completely gone, you will risk possible combustion.

To address any spillage on the floor, absorb the spill with a superabsorbent product like kitty litter. Leave it for a few hours before sweeping it off for disposal alongside your gasoline.

Step 5: Transport gasoline to the disposal center

Gasoline is prone to combustion in small spaces. Even a residual splash on your clothing is dangerous. So, drive carefully, and whatever you do, don’t ever smoke while transporting gasoline. 


When you get to the disposal center, pour your gasoline into the center’s storage tank. For some disposal centers, disposal is free to citizens domiciled in that area, while outsiders must pay a fee. 

How can I know if my gas is old or contaminated?


Contamination doesn’t just inhibit the effectiveness of your gas; it exposes your automobile system to temporary- or permanent damage. The easiest way to check for contamination is via a visual inspection of the oil compared to new oil.

Put your old gasoline in a clean and clear cup and observe the appearance. Old or contaminated gas often has a dark and dirty look. Sometimes, you may see rusty particles in the oil or perceive a sour smell. These are indications that the oil in question is old or contaminated.

Determine where you can take the gas to recycle or dispose of it safely

You can determine where to recycle or dispose of your gas via these means safely.

  • Check with the fire department in your area. Since gasoline is flammable, they often have tips on how to handle it and where you can dispose of it safely.
  • Contact your county waste management department to find out how to dispose of your gas legally.
  • Find auto repair shops that are willing to take old gasoline. If you have a great relationship with your auto repairer, it shouldn’t be a problem. Although some of them aren’t always willing to help dispose of gas, you can undoubtedly find a few ready.
  • Just launch a google search to find the hazardous waste center in your area.

Can I just dump old gasoline on the ground?

I wonder why people believe it’s fine to dump gasoline in the trash can or drainage system. The danger that accompanies manhandling gasoline is a clear indication that you can’t dispose of it loosely. 

Dumping gas on the grass, the street, or down a drainage pipe is grave misconduct

Here’s why…

Besides the illegality written all over the act, it’s endangering the environment as well. And indirectly, it poses a significant risk to public health. 

Gasoline dumped into storm drainage pollutes human water sources and aquatic habitat. We don’t really have to go into a full-fledged lecture on how this habitat aids our ecosystem. And I believe those seafood deserve a good life before they end up in a chef’s skillful hands.

Ensure you always dispose of your gasoline legally and safely. You can carefully transport them to a receptive auto repairers’ shop or a hazardous waste disposal center.

Safety tips for old gas handling

Gasoline is highly volatile and combustible; hence, you need to be exceptionally careful. You don’t want to end up burning down a block or your whole hairline. Before dealing with gasoline, take note of these safety tips.

  • Don’t handle gasoline in enclosed spaces. Work outdoors to avoid inhaling the fumes in large quantities. Peradventure this happens, and you start experiencing burning lungs, leave it and try to get fresh air immediately.
  • If you spill gasoline into your eyes, rinse it out for at least 15 minutes with cool water. If you keep feeling a burning sensation in the eye after 15 minutes, visit a clinic.
  • If you mistakenly ingest gasoline, drink milk instantly and contact your local poison control.
  • If it spills on your skin, wash it off properly with soap and water
  • While transporting gasoline, put the container in another bigger receptacle. This prevents it from spilling or toppling over while you are driving.

Final words

Your responsibilities as a good citizen are beyond the payment of tax. It includes being responsible enough to dispose of your used gasoline legally and safely. 

Dumping gas into the soil or anywhere can contaminate the environment or even lead to fire incidents. Imagine dumping your used gas on the same grass your neighbor just left an unstubbed cigarette butt. Well, we all know how such situations play out.  So, do the world a favor — safely trash your old gasoline. And, let’s make our environment more climate-friendly, shall we? 

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